

Nick Neddo, 2015, wild-crafted willow charcoal on paper



Nick Neddo, 2015, wild-crafted willow charcoal on paper

Hummingbird Talks to Bear

Hummingbird Talks to Bear

Nick Neddo, 2014, ink wash with wild-crafted black walnut ink and bear fur paint brush.

Black-Eyed Susans

Black-Eyed Susans

Nick Neddo, 2014, ink wash with wild-crafted pine soot ink and goat fur paintbrush.

Grand Teton Coyote Song

Grand Teton Coyote Song

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted turkey feather quill pen, acorn ink and coyote fur paintbrush.

Inky Cap and Sugar Maple

Inky Cap and Sugar Maple

Nick Neddo, 2014, ink wash. Wild-crafted media: ink made from Inky Cap (Coprinopsis atramentaria) Mushrooms; paintbrush from found cat whiskers, wild turkey feather and osage orange twig.

Wild Turkey Tom

Wild Turkey Tom

Nick Neddo, 2014, turkey quill pen and pine soot ink.

Swamp Dancers

Swamp Dancers

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted cattail pen, pine soot ink and paper made from cattail plants.

Wasp in Flight

Wasp in Flight

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted bamboo pen, pine soot ink and wasp nest paper with found white chalky stone.

Prairie Dog Dialogue

Prairie Dog Dialogue

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted pine soot ink wash and goat fur paint brush.

Northern Parula at her Nest

Northern Parula at her Nest

Nick Neddo, 2014, ink wash with wild-crafted pine soot ink and goat fur paintbrush.

Woodland Waterfall

Woodland Waterfall

Nick Neddo, 2014, ink wash with wild-crafted pine soot ink and goat fur paintbrush.

Elderberry Drupe

Elderberry Drupe

Nick Neddo, 2013, ink wash with wild-crafted elderberry ink.

Primitive Archer: Stillness

Primitive Archer: Stillness

Nick Neddo, 2014, painting with wild-crafted paints made from stones and goat fur paintbrush.

Acorn Trio

Acorn Trio

Nick Neddo, 2013, wild-crafted oak pen, acorn ink and goat fur paintbrush.

Ink from Berries Study

Ink from Berries Study

Nick Neddo, 2013, ink wash from wild-crafted inks from 9 different berries.

Wild Grapes

Wild Grapes

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted charcoal sticks made from wild grape vine.

The Giant Forest

The Giant Forest

Nick Neddo, 2009, marker on white birch bark.

Beet Study

Beet Study

Nick Neddo, 2013, ink wash with home-grown beet ink and wild-crafted deer fur paintbrush.

Honey Bees on Honeycomb

Honey Bees on Honeycomb

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted crayons made from stone and beeswax.

Wild Grape Vine Tendrils

Wild Grape Vine Tendrils

Nick Neddo, 2014, wild-crafted charcoal sticks made from wild grape vine.

Cat at the Window

Cat at the Window

Nick Neddo, 2014, cat whisker paintbrush (from found, free-range house cat whiskers) and pine soot ink

Sit Spot in a Sugarbush

Sit Spot in a Sugarbush

Nick Neddo, 2014, stenciled sugar maple leaves with wild-crafted turkey quill pen and black walnut ink.

Bamboo Grove

Bamboo Grove

Nick Neddo, 2013, bamboo pen and pine soot ink on paper



Nick Neddo, 2014, pine soot ink painting

Staghorn Sumac

Staghorn Sumac

Nick Neddo, 2015, sumac ink painting with paintbrush made from sumac.

Red Oak and Acorn

Red Oak and Acorn

Nick Neddo, 2013, acorn ink, oak pen and paintbrush



Nick Neddo, 2016, willow bark ink with beaver-chewed willow stick pen

Orb Weaver

Orb Weaver

Nick Neddo, 2017, willow bark ink

Hummingbird Talks with Buck

Hummingbird Talks with Buck

Nick Neddo, 2016, willow bark ink

Coconut Palm Canopy

Coconut Palm Canopy

Nick Neddo, 2017, ink from charred coconut shells



Nick Neddo, 2015, willow charcoal



Nick Neddo, 2015, willow charcoal



Nick Neddo, 2017, willow bark ink painting

Sonora Desert

Sonora Desert

Nick Neddo, 2003, Micron pen on paper

Quiet Waters: Atlantic White Cedar Swamp

Quiet Waters: Atlantic White Cedar Swamp

Nick Neddo, 2004, pen and ink.


The Window at Big Bend

The Window at Big Bend

Nick Neddo, 2004, pen and ink.

Hand Drill Friction Fire

Hand Drill Friction Fire

Nick Neddo, 2003, pen and ink.

Song of the Pacific Ocean

Song of the Pacific Ocean

Nick Neddo, 2003, pen and ink.

Red Eft on a Leaf

Red Eft on a Leaf

Nick Neddo, 2010, pen and ink and marker.

Mouse Nest

Mouse Nest

Nick Neddo, 2004, pen and ink.

Bald Cypress Swamp

Bald Cypress Swamp

Nick Neddo, 2005, pen and ink.

Raven in the Henry Mountains

Raven in the Henry Mountains

Nick Neddo, 2003, pen and ink.

Barn Swallows in Vermont

Barn Swallows in Vermont

Nick Neddo, 2003, pen and ink.

Death Valley Dunes

Death Valley Dunes

Nick Neddo, 2003, pen and ink.

Adirondack Opalescence

Adirondack Opalescence

Nick Neddo, 2002, pen and ink.

Adirondack Thunderhead

Adirondack Thunderhead

Nick Neddo, 2002, pen and ink.

Mule Deer in the Morning

Mule Deer in the Morning

Nick Neddo, 2004, pen and ink.

Child and Chickadee

Child and Chickadee

Nick Neddo, 2005, pen and ink

Turkey Vultures at the Veil of the Three Falls

Turkey Vultures at the Veil of the Three Falls

Nick Neddo, 2003, pen and ink.



Nick Neddo, 2009, pen and marker