I think this one is done. I have been making a lot of artwork these past months. A bunch of ink painting, like this one (with willow ink), drawing with charcoal (also made with willow), and pen and inkwork. It's a body of work that will adorn a baddass book that will be born sometime next year!
Anyone recognize these cute flowers that smell of early spring?
#nickneddoartist #wildartsworkshop #willowink #paintwithink #landcrafted #handmadeart #bornagainferal #makeart #organicartist #illustration #springflowers #drawandpaint #useyoureyes #useyourhands #useyourheart #getyourassoutside

Getting some time with Mama Ocean. The song alone is a renewal, the aromas, a cleansing reset. The plant communities that dwell along the coast offer a family reunion, a homecoming. I look forward to being here again later this August for some teaching!
#eartharts #getyourassoutside #acadia #ocean #earthskills #ancientsongs

Meanwhile, closer to home...
Do you ever think of languages beyond our words? One of the most compelling themes in my life is the idea of nature fluency. I am in perpetual pursuit of this, and I choose my activities and behaviors in order to stay steeped in this immersion course.
As we modern sapiens pass more and more of our days isolated from the living, breathing landscape, the pandemic of nature-deficit-disorder becomes more insidious. Collectively, the modern human family is losing our ability to communicate with nature. To listen, to be touched. So perhaps it should come as no surprise that much of my artwork centers on the everyday simple and sacred encounters with wildlife and modern humanity. When we take time to be present with artwork, it has a power to move something inside us. I want my work to reawaken our own wild resonance. For those of you still reading, does anything come up inside of you as you look upon this image?
This is a painting that I made with one of my batches of ink that I crafted with pine trees (see my book, The Organic Artist to make your own).
"Boy meets Prairie dog" is available as a fine art print in a wide variety of sizes and substrates. Check out my webshop to see the options for this piece and others.
#nickneddo #fineartprint #wildlife #prairiedog #paintwithink #watercolor #blackandwhite #natureart #organicartist #handmadeink #pinetreeink #buyart #wildlifeartist #eartharts #natureisalanguage #naturedeficitdisorder #rewild #getyourassoutside #useyourhands
Anyone here like to camp out in the wintertime?It is a tradition in my life to make, and sleep in a snow shelter each winter. I love to experience snow as an architectural material. Snow comes in many different forms, depending on the seasonal variations and weather patterns in a particular winter. Some snow is crusty and dense, some is light and fluffy, and everything in between. Each manifestation of snow has different building properties and offers unique creative potential and challenges. And as odd as it might sound, snow shelters like this quinzee are very comfortable to hang out in if they are built with the right details and specs. It has been below zero this winter, but when you are inside this shelter the temperature goes up to about 30degrees F. That's not bad when you are bundled up. What do you think? Is this glamping or no?
#wintercamping #snowshelter #survival #wintersurvival #getyourassoutside #snowsculpture #landart #earthskills #eartharts #wildartsworkshop #quinzee #northcountry #getitwhileyoucan #wildernesssurvival #bushcraft #bornagainferal #nickneddoartist #useyourhands #respectnature #organicartist
Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you were one of your stoneage ancestors? Do you think that you would still be you? This line of inquiry can lead one to try to identify what it is that defines us as "who we are". Whenever i get a chance, i like to remind people that our identity as a species, homo sapiens, extends at least 200,000 years into the past, way before we were participating in that cultural experiment we call civilization (domestication?). This means that our ancestors were also anatomically modern people, with all the same intellectual prowess, all the same artistic potentials, all the same physical abilities as the human family that we know today. One big difference though, is that our ancient ancestors made every piece of their material culture with their bare hands and knowledge of the living landscape and seascape. What would it take for any of us modern people to do that? And you can't use metal, glass, plastic, or electricity either. Ok, go!
This is one reason that I am endlessly inspired by my deep ancestry. I seek that creative wisdom.
These paintbrushes are one representation of this pursuit in my personal life. They come into manifestation on the wings of a thought experiment: "if i lived as one of my ancient ancestors, would i still identify as an artist?"
#handmadelife #makeapaintbrush #organicarts #wildartswoorkshop #bornagainferal #useyourhands #ancestors #learnfromyourancestors #learnfromnature #earthskills #eartharts #primitiveskills #painting #respectyourancestors #rewild
How often do you go through your old stuff? I was digging through some old sketchbooks again and found this little gem. This is one of many of mt little nature journal entries. They're not always this artsy fartsy cute, so I wanted to dust this one off and shine some light on it. There's more where this came from. Anyone wanna see more of these?
#naturalistart #birds #naturejournaling #learnaboutnature #drawstuff #getyourassouttside #observereallife #bornagainferal #nickneddoartist #sketchbook #oldart #natureart #useyourskills #useyourhands #useyoureyes #penandink #nuthatch #naturenotes #earthartist #birdlover #drawbirds #drawnature #drawlife
Have you ever just sharpened a stick and used it as a pen?
I made this doodle with a sharpened red oak twig, with ink that I also made from red oak, just for fun.
Using a dip pen is kinda like using a paintbrush, at least in the way that you have to regularly "recharge" it with ink. Dip pens can be made extra fancy and refined, with the bells and whistles, and they can be really extra simple. They are all fun to use and, despite being a bit cumbersome in use compared to modern pens, can open up your drawing practice in unexpected creative ways.
So who wants to draw with a stick?
Order your signed copies of my Organic Artist books directly from my website (link in bio).
#ecoprinting #penandink #organicartist #makeaprint #dippens #makeamark #ecoarts #botanicalarts #eartharts #earthskills #becreative #nickneddo #useyourhands #makeart #makesomething #earthskills #wildarts #bornagainferal #getyourassouttside #oldschoolarts #plantlove #plantpeople #sustainableart #rewildyourart #drawing #drawsomething
This tickled. I don't even know this cat, but he insisted on violating my bubble. I liked it.
#catpeopleproblems #felinesofinstagram #croppedoutmynosehairs #animalpeople
I painted "Coyote Talking" with ink that i made from willow bark, and with a paintbrush i crafted with the fur of a coyote.
Do you need to bring some new energy into your home? When you hang artwork on your walls you invest in an elevated quality of life. And when you buy from small biz, independent artists, you directly support their creative process and artistic evolution.
Prints of this piece are now available from my webshop in a variety of sizes, and on a variety of surfaces. In addition to the fancy giclee fine art prints, you can now order professional quality prints on canvas and metal! Have a look for yourself to see the options.
#fineartprints #nickneddo #buyart #coyote #tetons #earthart #wildlifeartist #wildlifeart #coyoteprint #animalart #artofinstagram #natureart #artprints #nickneddoartist #touchtheearth #fineart #hangartonyourwall #supportthearts #earthskills #willowink #paintwithwillow #inkwork #organicartist #buymyart #grandtetons #nationalparks #useyourhands #getyourassoutside #painting #myfavoriteplanet
Sometimes i like to wonder: "how many places and times in the past would this image fit into context?"... How many hands have woven willow into a basket, and then gathered acorns into it? This way of reaching for a bigger picture perspective brings a touch of magic into the act of weaving and foraging. I suppose that it is the awareness of an ancient continuity, an unbroken lineage of hands bending wood, that offers that sense of magic. Magic isn't quite the right word for the idea/feeling that i am trying to convey. But as i grasp for translation and sift through my vocabulary, that is the word that keeps coming back.
Magic or not, i find the act of weaving therapeutic on an ancestral level. And, for sure, it is soothing to the discontent that accompanies me in this life when i feel like i was born in the wrong times. I think that this is the value of craft when we hold the earth in our hands.
I wonder if you relate?
I made this basket a few years back when i was living it up in Ireland. But those stories will have to wait for now...
#wildartsworkshop #organicartist #nickneddo #naturalbasketry #willowworld #willowbasketry #weaving #basketry #wildcraft #handmadelife #useyourhands #makeabasket #woven #willowarts #landart #makesomething #beweaveme #unbeweavable #warpandweft #salix #earthart #primitiveskills #oldschoolskills #respect #getyourassoutside

These are the kind of winter days that I grew up with. This feels like comfort food to me. What a feast for the senses and a nostalgic soul!
The winters are getting warmer and warmer. And in my habitat this means less fluffy snow and more hard ice. And though i don't embrace this change with open arms, I do recognize an opportunity/necessity to adapt when i see one. The next bit of future will include more days and nights per winter with spikes on my feet.
But for now, in this moment, I feast on this kind of seasonal nutrition.
#forestpeople #morningpoetry #landscape #protectwildearth #treesarelife #morningmajesty #useyoureyes #nickneddo #grateful #seenature #sunrise #eartharts #awareness #northernforests #winterwonderland #outdoorlife #nature #rewild #freshair #underthesky #livinglandscapes #bornagainferal #wildartsworkshop
Work in progress
I have a rad book illustration job underway at the moment. I just launched into, what will be, a pretty epic project that will keep me busy well into the summer. I'll have a lot more to show and tell about this as time goes on, but for now i wanted to share a cropped portion of thebackground of a piece i currently have my hands on.
#willowbarkink #stencil #organicartist #nickneddo #illustration #ink #makeart #useyourhands #treelover #forestdweller #becreative #bookillustration #workinprogress
Sometimes we look at something, but do not see it. Sometimes we see something that we have looked at many times, and only see in 2D. Sometimes we see something without taking in the magic, like this rediculously lucky miracle-of-chance and precisely-auspiciously-located-in-the-cosmos-to-foster-this-insanely-rare-phenomena-called-life...wet rock that we call planet earth.
So i invite you to take a moment to look at this image and see mother earth with your eyes, heart, and mind wide open. Then get your ass off your smartphone and go outside to touch the earth for real. That's what I'm gonna do. Happy Earthday y'all!
#earthdayeveryday #mother #myfavoriteplanet
#getyourassoutside #loveyourmother #respect #eartharts #landarts #takecare #gratitude #useyourheart #useyoureyes #bornagainferal #feralfyoocher #wildartsworkshop #earthskills #primitivearts #survival #touchtheearth #weareearth #organicartist
Well, it took some persistence (and a bit of head scratching) but I finally got my instagram account set up to sell my books! Up until now when people wanted to buy direct from me (to send their money to me instead of You-know-who), my website shop was the only option. I'm hoping that the digital hurtles that I have chosen to jump through in order to get this new commerse platform up and running will help more folks get their hands on my work.
Of course, that would benefit my financial reality, but I also sincerely think that my books are doing what I intended them to do in the world. I want the human family to dust off our inherent superpowers and remember how to thrive again among our fellow sibling creatures. Based on the feedback that I have received since publishing these books, I think it's working. At least in thier own little ways.
If my books have brought some warmth to your life and if you are inclined to say so, please feel free in the comments. I love hearing from you all and getting sweet little glimpses of how my work is moving into wider circles. And as always, thank you for you for spending your time with my offerings here.
#makepaint #pigments #earthpigments #paintfromstones #begeology #sustainablearts #mineralpigments #organicartist #nickneddo #eartharts #primitiveskills #primitivearts #earthskills #oldschoolcolor #wildcolor #wildcraft #wildartsworkshop #diypaint #bornagainferal #getyourassouttside #makecolor #useyourhands #respecttheearth #touchtheearth #becreative #givethanks #colorculture
We had a right of passage ceremony for one of my friends recently. I planted this darling tree about 7 years ago. She was one of ten swamp white oaks (quercus bicolor) that i welcomed to the land that i am in care of (this stewardship is symbiotic: the land takes care of me). Yesterday, as i was visiting with the trees of my habitat, i noticed the remnants of this cutie's first acorn! This called for a celebration and specifically a coming-of-age ceremony. This tree now has a new name. Everyone, meet Oakeefe.
Oakeefe has provided good companioship all along, and it is exciting to imagine her growth and pressence in the generations to come. She will feed and shelter so many critters from so many walks of life. Maybe it's funny, but I'm really proud of this little tree! Many more hugs and kisses to come.
#treepeople #plantsometrees #hugatree #kissatree #plantatree #reforest #permaculture #acornsarefood #getyourassoutside #bornagainferal #wildartsworkshop #smellatree #useyourheart #gratitude #forestpeople #forestfood #earthskills #eartharts #touchtheearth
Humans have always been a minor force of geology. By default, our impulse to pick up rocks from one place and move them to another place makes us participants in the geologic process. That is basically as human as breathing. In these super industrialized, high tech times, the modern human family has taken this to an ecocidal degree (welcome to the"anthropocene"). Our recent behavior as a collective species has such great impact that our legacy will include a layer of toxic strata in the geological record. Its so crazy because that layer will only represent the most recent 1 percent representation of homo sapiens life and culture, when you consider the timeline.
Okay, this is an easy tangent to indulge...but this photo is about the kind of relationships human animals have been having with the earth since the begining, since before thr industrial revolution.
People have been processing stones and soil into pigments for at least 400,000 years (Blombos Cave, South Africa). Those pigments have been transformed into paint, our stoneage ancestors as partners in a primal metamorphosis, to then adorn the material surface area of their/our lives. The more I learn about paleo archaeology, and with each opportunity I get to grace my eyes upon ancient artworks, the more I find important relevance and, yes, spiritual insight into this phenomena. This practice of making rocks into pigments with my hands.
#makepaint #pigments #earthpigments #paintfromstones #begeology #sustainablearts #mineralpigments #organicartist #nickneddo #eartharts #primitiveskills #primitivearts #earthskills #oldschoolcolor #wildcolor #wildcraft #wildartsworkshop #diypaint #bornagainferal #getyourassouttside #makecolor #useyourhands #respecttheearth #touchtheearth #becreative #givethanks #colorculture